With our Coupon app for Facebook you can add a section for promotions and discounts directly on your Facebook page tab.
Follow these steps to add a Coupons Tab to your Facebook page:
- Install the app by clicking this link: https://apps.facebook.com/coupon-app
- Select the page you wish to install a Coupon Tab
- Click on “Set up” on the left side menu to configure the app
- Then to add a coupon click on “Manage coupons” on the left side menu and click on the “Add Coupon” tab
- Optional: if you would like to add a specific location for your coupons (this is normally for brick and mortar businesses that are offering a discount at one specific location), click on “Manage locations” on the left side menu
- Then click on “Design” to customize your coupon tab
- Optional: if you would like to add a Likegate (a splash screen that appears before visitors can view your coupons that encourages them to like your page), click on “Likegate” on the left side menu